Friday, October 23, 2009

Mount Student's Union

Hey Guys & Gals!!

Don’t forget that the Haunted House is tonight. So be sure to check that out. I’ll be in it, so it’s worth attending!

The Haunted House isn’t the only fun thing happening at The Mount, the Students’ Union always takes care of students' needs whether they are academic or social!

Here are some Student Union services here at The Mount!

Information Desk- At the Information Desk they answer all of your questions ( like if your lost), they send faxes, make photocopies and more. The Info Desk also carries all Students’ Union merchandise. Some of the other services the info desk does are laminating, binding & make ISIC cards (these are a must have for traveling). The Info Desk also sells tickets to events such as super-pubs, large events & some concerts.

Corner Store – is a convenience store on campus. They accept cash and debit. This is the spot to go for all of snacking habits when the cafĂ© is closed! Also, if you run out of necessities and don’t want to run off campus! The Corner Store is there for the students, so if you see an item which is not there, just tell them and they are more than willing to look into it.

Vinnie’s Pub – Vinnie’s Pub is the one of the only wet/dry bars in Nova Scotia. Wet/dry means that if you go to the Mount, you can get in when your 18! However, there are rules & restrictions such as no drinking in the pub until you’re of age. At Vinnie’s every Friday night is a themed club night. Examples of some themes include Toga, Stoplight and ABC (anything but clothes). There are also super pubs like Mardi Gras, and Halloween. Every Thursday at Vinnie’s is a wing night; Thursdays also have open mics, karaoke or a live band. On Monday nights, Vinnies houses a Monday night football party on the big screen. On Tuesday there Vinnies has a Poker night, with the top prize being a 500$ Bursary. One last thing I want to point out is that Vinnie’s has a full menu of great food.
Vinnies Website:

Diversity Centre- The Diversity Centre provides students with information on men's and women's health issues, sexuality, equality, ethnicity and accessibility. The Diversity Centre has a food & clothing bank if you are in need. Also, if are in need of necessities such as tampons or condoms the Diversity Centre is there for you. This center is here for the students, and everything is completely confidential. The diversity center is always looking for volunteers, and is a great place to volunteer at.

Foundation Play Center – The Fountain Play Centre is a child care program just for Mount students. The good thing about the Fountain Play Center is that it’s completely run by Mount students. This provides a GREAT volunteer opportunity for students. I have volunteered here, and I loved it! What other volunteer job do you get to play with children? Exactly.

Other services Students’ Union services include a used book sale each semester, tutoring, a newspaper, and cool events throughout the year!!

So guys, that’s my take on the Students’ Union services. I advise you all to take advantage of it, because it’s a blast!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Your Home to Be!

Hello guys and gals,
Over thanksgiving weekend, I started thinking about home. So I thought today, I would tell you about your new-to-be homes next year here on campus! There are 3 residences on campus here at The Mount.

Assisi Hall is a 12 story co-ed building that house 142 students. The rooms are mostly single, with a double room on every floor. There are kitchenettes/lounges on every second floors for students to share. The campus security is stationed at the bottom of the building for extra security & peace of mind. A little bonus is that almost all of the rooms in Assisi have just been renovated!

The Birches are 5 townhouses located around the campus duck pond. Each birch has: 20 single rooms, a lounge/TV room, and a kitchen. One birch is designed for female students, and one for international/mature students. The rest of the birches are co-ed.

Both Assisi and The Birches have cable in the lounges; as well as wireless internet in all rooms.

Westwood is the apartment style residence. Westwood is open to all student in their 2 year & up. This residence houses 158 students. Although it is mostly 4 bedrooms, there are also 2 bedroom & single apartments. All apartments are wireless & fully furnished and include cable & telephone in the living rooms.

If you have any questions about residences or how they work don’t hesitate to visit:

Residence is a great experience, tons of fun & a great way to make a whole lot of new friends! Don’t forget to apply!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The 4th Annual Haunted House!

The 4th annual MSVU Haunted House is on Friday, October 23rd. Mount Saint Vincent students will transform the Rosaria Student Center into a terrifying haunted house horror-fest for this one night only.

Take a terrifying tour through the haunted house which extends from within the Students’ Union offices and into the entire student services areas including the Diversity Center, Vinnie’s pub, the crows nest & the Fountain Play Center. This tour is sure to scare up some screams from you!

The haunted house is open to all students, faculty, staff & community members. Just remember: some scenes may be too frightening for younger viewers.

Entrance fees are $5 for all students with valid student ID, & $7 for all non-students. It starts at 7Pm, and the last group will go through at 11:30PM. It takes 25-30 minutes to go through, and it’s worth every penny.

For any questions or information email

Halloween only comes once a year, so this year live it up to the full extent; and come to the MSVU Haunted House.

The Haunted House is rated RS - for ridiculously scary!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Open Campus Day!

October 30th means Open Campus day! On the 30th we will open our campus doors to invite students from across the Maritimes, to come explore our campus and learn about our departments.

In the morning, there will be an opportunity to get your questions answers by professors and students that can tell you first hand about our exciting programs, offer advice, and answer any questions you may have about our departments or our school.

In the afternoon there will be a free lunch, and an expo where all the departments will have booth & will be ready to answer any questions.

We also have exciting Student Union activities planned, where you get to become a Frosh and experience student life on campus!

Don’t worry mom and dad, we have activities planned for you as well and will have lots of information available to help make your child’s post-secondary choice and easy one.

There will be tours of the campus & residences going on all day so make sure you register!

Also, don’t forget - we will be accepting applications for admissions all day on October 30th.

It’s a great experience that you don’t want to miss. I look forward to seeing you all there!

If you want to register for Open Campus or would like more information, please do not hesitate to call 457-5540, and keep posted on our website for more information!


Hey Everyone! My name is Julie Smith & I am the new Prospective Student Liaison, here at Mount Saint Vincent University. Feel free to contact me at to book a campus tour, or with any questions you might have about our programs or student life. I look forward to hearing from you!